Why do manufacturing enterprises need MES when they already use ERP?

Author:tysin Source:Admin5 Release Time::2019-04-01


Today, manufacturing enterprises are facing tense economic and competitive pressures: less and less profits, more and more urgent delivery time, shorter production cycle, and more complex products. Most enterprises are already using ERP system, they will think: I have used ERP, why MES (Manufacturing Execution System)?            

In fact, manufacturing enterprises in all industries need to manage business process information in an integrated ERP system or in a combination of multiple IT systems containing spreadsheets. Many typical areas of these systems need special attention: sales, finance, purchase/purchase, warehousing, human resources, quality management and production planning.            
In many manufacturing companies, the main costs in the production value chain are not reflected in detail and transparently. More importantly, many of the target data in the production field, which are usually maintained by ERP systems or electronic forms, are all estimated from assumptions or past experience.            

There are only a limited number of IT systems in the workshop, and these systems are usually oriented by mechanical control and automation; or there is no IT system at all, so there must be additional managers and they spend extra time and thus a lot of decumendts are produced and time delays,search and increased additional losts are generated  for unnecessary communication, liaison, contact, telephone consultation,There is a gap between the upper management (ERP system, APS system, e-form, etc.) and the lower workshop environment, resulting in inefficiency and additional costs, thus reducing the performance of the whole company.            

1. Common problems            

How reliable is the feedback data of the workshop (equipment running time, stagnation time, production capacity, waste reason, utilization and production efficiency, efficiency, etc.)?       

How many delays exist between the bottom workshop data feedback and the high-level ERP system data recognition?            
What are the real labor costs (working days, working hours) that need to be provided to the upper ERP system?            
Why do we still have so many delivery times, even though we haven't run at full capacity yet?            

Why do we not have the expected revenue despite our full capacity and best turnover?            ...            

How to solve these gaps, the answer is MES! Standard and modular MES is a coordinated information system between workshop and high-level ERP system, which provides transparency of workshop information that is not usually provided by ERP system, and provides reliable data interface between upper management system (such as ERP) and bottom workshop (operation terminal and equipment).            

By reducing the negative process impact and continuously monitoring your results, the complete process will be improved to the greatest extent. These will be converted into improved utilization, power and efficiency, etc., reduce production costs, gradually improve output value benefits, and ultimately achieve higher profits!    

2. What are the specific benefits of MES system for enterprises?            

(1) Accurately grasp the production situation, improve the delivery accuracy, straighten out the distribution logistics in the factory, and achieve the coordination of production, supply and marketing;            

(2) Master the quantity of products in process correctly, and track the defective products, so as to reduce the production cost of products in process;            

(3) Tracking product serial number by barcode and RFID, collecting complete information and process quality information, improving the level of after-sales service and satisfaction of products;            

(4) Reacting quality problems in time, tracking quality history and improving product quality;            

(5) Reduce manual statistics and reports, improve the productivity of field managers;           
(6)Fully grasp the use of tools and equipment, and make effective use of manufacturing resources.            

Based on B/S structure, it can be easily deployed with less dependence on basic data, lower requirements for the initial management level of enterprises and simple and easy operation of the system and support user customization and personalized system integration scheme design. MES advocates that enterprises follow the lean production mode and achieve the goal of continuous lean management improvement through systematic data analysis. It helps factory managers to manage production dynamics easily and scientifically on the keyboard.